Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Monster Hunter 3

Monster Hunter 3
Release Dates:
August 1, 2009 (Japan)
April 20, 2010 (North America)
April 23, 2010 (Europe)
April 29, 2010 (Australia)
Official Website/s
Flagship MonsterLagiacrus
Monsters first appearing in this game
AltarothBaggiBnahabraDelexEpiothFishGiggiJaggiJaggia,LudrothUroktorGreat JaggiQurupecoRoyal LudrothBarrothGobul,Great BaggiLagiacrusGigginoxBariothUragaanAgnaktorCeadeus,Jhen MohranDeviljhoAlatreon


NaviBar-Areas.png NaviBar-Monsters.png
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NaviBar-Minions.png NaviBar-Carves.png
NaviBar-Awards.png NaviBar-Event.png
Database -

Monster Hunter Tri is the third installment in the Monster Hunter series and is the direct sequel to Monster Hunter Dos. It was first announced for the PlayStation 3, but was canceled. Capcom, specifically Capcom managing corporate officer Katsuhiko Ichii, announced on October 10, 2007 that Monster Hunter 3 will be a Wii-exclusive title.[1]


  • Monster Hunter Tri is currently the only game that includes swimming and underwater combat. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd does not include this feature and as such the previously underwater areas have been modified or removed. An upcoming 3DS game, Monster Hunter Tri G will bring back the underwater combat that originated in this game along with other new features.
  • The BowGunlanceHunting Horn and Dual Swords weapon classes are not included in Monster Hunter Tri. It is currently unknown why these weapons were chosen to not be implemented as the the disc space on a Wii disc can easily hold 7-10 times as much data as is usually enscribed on it. It might have been Capcom's attempt at restoring the game to its core elements. Although, the Bow is an entirely different class of weapon, unlike the others, which are modified versions of existing weapons, so some are wondering why it was removed. However, a brand new weapon has been added: the Switch Axe. In addition this is the first game to feature customizable Bowguns, each made from an individually exchangeable stock, barrel, and frame.
  • Monster Hunter Tri is the first 3rd generation game. Every area is new, there are no subspecies and most monsters from previous games are not included. RathianRathalos and Diablos are the only returning large monsters, while FelyneMelynxAptonothPopo and Kelbi are the only returning small monsters.
  • Players have the option to hunt in the Moga Woods (in single player); a free-hunting area with no time limit or penalty for fainting. Many large monsters can be hunted consecutively in this area for their carves. "Freehunting" requires no Quest signup. Because of this, there are no quest rewards (supply items can only be found by slaying Felynes and Melynx). Instead, commodity items can be obtained from Junior and traded for rare items via the Argosy or sold for money. Monsters that appear in the Moga Woods include the Great JaggiQurupecoRoyal LudrothRathianLagiacrus, and Rathalos.

U.S Pre-OrderEdit

GameStop's Preorder Bonus: 500 Wii Points card
BobofangoAdded by Bobofango

This U.S version of this game could be pre-ordered for $44.99 on An additional $10 savings goes towards another video game purchase. Also, the US Controller Pro Bundle(Black) pre-order was available for $54.99 (Only $5 charge for the bundle vs. the stand alone game) on EBGames.


GameStop Demo
BobofangoAdded by Bobofango

  • The Japanese demo became available on April 23, 2009 when it was included with the Wii port of Monster Hunter G.
  • The English demo was available on March 8, 2010 at GameStop stores. No pre-order is required as issued by Capcom, but many Gamestop stores insisted it was required.
    • It is also available by signing up on the Monster Hunter Tri's officialcommunity website. (It is no longer being offered here).
    • There have been reports of the demo being handed out as early as February 27, 2010 in Florida and the East Coast of America.

Online PlayEdit

  • Japan's monthly fee for online:
    • 30 Days: 800 Wii Points
    • 60 Days: 1500 Wii Points
    • 90 Days: 2000 Wii Points
  • US & EU releases feature FREE online play. Confirmed on 02/24/10. [1]
  • US & EU regions have separate servers, meaning Americans are not able to play with Europeans or Japanese (and vice versa).
  • Up to 4 players can play together online. The lobby areas are in the form of a city, similar to the Town of Minegarde in Monster Hunter (Playstation 2). The city gates have a limit of 100 people, while the cities therein a limit of 4.
  • There is an online arm wrestling feature.
  • Decorate your house with furnishings and invite other players to view your home.
  • Add players to your friends list or search online via their "Online ID".
    • Monster Hunter Tri does not use friend codes.
  • Chat online using the onscreen keyboard, a USB keyboard, or customizable shoutouts (pre-made messages).
  • Wii Speak is confirmed for the European and American release on February 1st, 2010. [2]
  • Wii Speak is not supported by the Japanese version.
  • There is no DLC, although event quests will provide exclusive armors and weapons.

Why Wii?Edit

Many people were asking why Capcom went for the Wii, this is what Capcom had to say:
"It was a strategic decision set by the team and our Japanese management to address an emerging market on the Wii. At the time the decision was made, it was in reference to the Wii market in general, no particular sub-segement thereof."
— Christian Svensson, Capcom’s Sr.Director of Strategic Planning and Research
On August 23, 2008 Capcom had to explain a bit more about why they went Wii:
"I can’t discuss the localization issues at this time. As for the decision to bring it to the Wii, I think there were many. I think it’s fair to say that CJ wanted to bring one of its premier franchises (possibly THE premier franchise when you look at the Japanese market) to the broader audience that the Wii represents. At least, that’s one of many variables that pushed it in that direction."
— Christian Svensson

Plans For North AmericaEdit

Capcom knows very well MH does not do nearly as well as it does in Japan and this is what they plan to do about it:
"It’s no secret that, in Japan, Monster Hunter is a phenomenon along the same lines as Pokémon or Yu-Gi-Oh; One in five PSP owners in Japan has a copy of one of the Monster Hunter games! You can see people playing it everywhere; on street corners in Akihabara, on the train, waiting in line to get into the Capcom store at TGS, on school campuses (not during class, mind you) and on and on. The publishing company that puts out Famitsureleased a Monster Hunter strategy guide that was over 1,000 pages! Outside of Japan, the series hasn’t really caught on in the same way. We’ve done respectable business with the games we’ve released so far on PS2and PSP. We certainly haven’t posted numbers in North America as they have done in Japan – Monster Hunter Freedom 2 for the PSP has sold in excess of 2 million units there – but the games have done well. That being said, Capcom is going to be making a major commitment to the Monster Hunter brand over the next two years in the west. Expect to see a significant marketing program dedicated to educating and enthralling gamers of both casual and hardcore natures. We’re not going to let up until there are as many people playing here in North America as there are in Japan! While we have not made specific announcements regarding Monster Hunter 3 in North America (or Europe, for that matter) to date, you can bet we’ll be talking more about it in the future."
— Capcom PR[3]

Switch to NintendoEdit

In January of 2010, Capcom and Nintendo made an agreement for Nintendo to take over Monster Hunter Tri in Australia and Europe. While Capcom will still remain the Producer, Nintendo has taken over the Financial area of the game. Capcom is still fully in charge of North America's version of the game.

Confirmation For North AmericaEdit

There has been confirmation that MH3 would see a North American and European release. [4] Capcom confirmed[5] that the overseas release of MH3 would be in the fiscal year of 2009, meaning anywhere from April of 2009 to March of 2010. Major retailers such as GameStop and had used March as its placeholder date.
However, on December 22, Capcom announced that Monster Hunter Tri will be delayed into the next fiscal year. [6]No specific date was given, causing speculation that MH3 could be release anytime from April 2010 to March of 2011. In January 2010, Capcom announced that Nintendo would be taking over Monster Hunter 3 in Australia and Europe. Capcom would remain publisher, but Nintendo would be taking over the financial, and other parts of the release. North America and Australia's release date is April 20, 2010. Europe's release date is April 23, 2010.

Trailer Edit

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